banglalink offers an attractive special rate 6 paisa/10 sec to all banglalink numbers. to enjoy this special rate, type “start” & send a free sms to 4545.

- all pre-paid and call & control customers (except e-voucher & pco) can enjoy this special tariff.
- this promotion offers only 6 paisa/10 sec rate to all banglalink numbers during 12 am- 5 pm.
- after successful registration, customer needs to recharge tk.25 or more at a time.
- special tariff will have validity of 7 days and within this period if customer recharges tk. 25 or more validity will be extended.
- outside of special tariff all other tariff and charges will be as per ‘desh 7 fnf’ package.
- customer can de-register from this package by typing ‘stop’ and sending sms to 4545.
- customer has to deregister from this offer first if he/she wants to migrate to a new package.
- vat applicable.