Operators offering Modems and Wifi routers at different price range. And also with free data.

Internet Modem Price (3G, 2G,WiMAX and CDMA)
Teletalk 3G Modem 2100tk with 5GB free Data
Grameenphone 3G Modem 1449tk
Banglalink 3G Modem 1986tk
airtel 3G Modem 2199tk with 3GB free Data
Robi 3G Modem 2308tk
Banglalion WiMAX Modem Prepaid 2499Tk and Postpaid 1999tk
Qubee WiMAX Modem 2000tk to 8000tk (Differnt 6 types of modem available)
Citycell Zoom Ultra CDMA Modem Prepaid 1690Tk and Postpaid 2190tk
WiFi Routers (3G, 2G,WiMAX and CDMA)
Teletalk 3G Wifi Router 3600tk with 10GB free Data
Grameenphone 3G Wifi Router 3945tk
Banglalink 3G Wifi Router 4999tk with 2.5GB free Data
airtel 3G Wifi Router 4899tk with 3GB free Data
Banglalion WiMAX Pocket Wifi 4950 Tk
Qubee WiMAX Pocket WiFI 8000tk
Citycell Zoom Ultra CDMA Pocket Router 5999tk
Price may chang at any moment!
Internet Modem Price (3G, 2G,WiMAX and CDMA)
Teletalk 3G Modem 2100tk with 5GB free Data
Grameenphone 3G Modem 1449tk
Banglalink 3G Modem 1986tk
airtel 3G Modem 2199tk with 3GB free Data
Robi 3G Modem 2308tk
Banglalion WiMAX Modem Prepaid 2499Tk and Postpaid 1999tk
Qubee WiMAX Modem 2000tk to 8000tk (Differnt 6 types of modem available)
Citycell Zoom Ultra CDMA Modem Prepaid 1690Tk and Postpaid 2190tk
WiFi Routers (3G, 2G,WiMAX and CDMA)
Teletalk 3G Wifi Router 3600tk with 10GB free Data
Grameenphone 3G Wifi Router 3945tk
Banglalink 3G Wifi Router 4999tk with 2.5GB free Data
airtel 3G Wifi Router 4899tk with 3GB free Data
Banglalion WiMAX Pocket Wifi 4950 Tk
Qubee WiMAX Pocket WiFI 8000tk
Citycell Zoom Ultra CDMA Pocket Router 5999tk
Price may chang at any moment!